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Bronze Services

This is the most manageable package. It provides the most basic needs of a lawn for the ideal new homeowner.


Note: Animal lovers, please clean up pet poop before our arrival, thank you!

Bronze Care Maintenance

Service offers general weed removal from garden beds and basic trimming of front facing shrubs. Garden beds outlined for clan appearance. Lawn will be cut and edged; leaves collected will be placed at side of garage.

Bronze Care Maintenance Package

Exceptional basic service offers general weed removal from garden beds. Garden beds will be skillfully outlined for a clean appearance. Lawn will be cut, edged and trimmed.

Bronze Care Maintenance- Plus Weekly Lawn Maintenance

An exceptional service offers general weed removal from garden beds; garden beds will be skillfully outlined for a clean appearance. The lawn will be professionally cut and edges will be trimmed weekly. 

Express Bronze Cleanup

Service offers general quick and basic weed removal from garden beds. Garden beds will be outlined with a cut lawn and edges trimmed; leaves collected will be placed at side of garage.

Bronze Care Maintenance- Plus Bi-Weekly Lawn Maintenance

Another exceptional basic service that offers general weed removal from the garden beds. Garden beds will be outlined for a clean appearance; lawn will be cut, edged and trimmed every two weeks.

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